Reinventing Gandhian Ideas on Sustainable Development in the Age of Environmental Crisis


  • Braja Kishore Sahoo Lecturer in Political Science, Chandbali College, Odisha


Sustainable Development, Environment, Development, Gandhian Ideas


The environmental crisis is considered to be one of the major issues faced by the humanity. It threatens the very survival of the world community. The industrialization on a rapid scale followed by urbanization amid widespread and unwarranted resource use, energy inefficient life style soaked the assimilative capacities of the environment, thus the problem of environment has become more severe. As a consequence, the natural ecosystems of the planet earth are changing in an unprecedented scale. The problems like global warming, climate change, acid rain, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, etc. are the direct outcomes of this process and pose a grave threat to the survival of life on earth. Thus, in this situation of self-destruction, it is necessary to find out an alternative path for the survival of life on earth. Against this brief background this paper is based on Gandhian ideals on environment which offers a grand nonviolent revolutionary strategy for the building of a new world order, which could help in protecting environment and obtain sustainable development. In this paper I draw on Gandhiji’s insight on ecological ways of living, appropriate technology, people centered developments, and village oriented economy stand out as realizable visions of tomorrow. Gandhian model of sarvodaya is concerned with a continued and healthy environment in which continued all-sided development of man may be possible. Gandhijis simple life style was born out of a belief and conviction that the resources of the earth are limited and human beings should limit their wants. Gandhiji’s life was in complete harmony with nature, which showed the path of recovery from the present ecological crisis. I discussed how Gandhian philosophy of simple living in small communities and living in harmony with nature aims at building a harmonious relationship between man and nature.

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How to Cite

Sahoo, B. K. (2020). Reinventing Gandhian Ideas on Sustainable Development in the Age of Environmental Crisis. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 2(1), 15–21. Retrieved from


