About the Journal
An interdisciplinary and double peer reviewed journal that publishes original and reliable research articles, short communications, review articles in Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication Studies (Media Studies), Cultural Studies, Economics, Environmental Studies, Ethnography, Federal Studies, Finance, History, International Relations, Mathematics, Geography, Jurisprudence (Law), Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Policy, and Sociology.
Title: | Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research | ||
Previous Title: | Asiatic Society for Social Science Research | ||
Frequency: | Bi-Annually (June and December) | ||
Print ISSN: | 3048 - 9024 | Online ISSN: | 2583 - 4533 |
Editor-in-Chief: | Dr Bishnu Kumari Gurung | Publisher: | Shri Ashu J |
Subject: | Social Sciences | Published by: | Asiatic Society for Social Science Research |
Starting Year: | 2019 | E-Mail: | journal@asssr.org |
Contact Number: | +9111-69314388 | Website: | www.asssr.in |
Address: | Asiatic Society for Social Science Research Flat No. 1 U/G House No. 677/16 Ashok Vatika Deoli, New Delhi - 110080, India |
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‣ Crossref
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‣ i-Scholar
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