Spatial Structure of Marriage Circles Among Hindus in Uttar Pradesh

A Case Study of Mathura District


  • Kiran Jatav Research Scholar, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi


Marriage, Mathura, Hindu, Uttar Pradesh


The paper explores the ground truth of adverse sex ratio and changes in spatial practices of marriages in Mathura district. Marriages generally operate within a limited region or radius defined as a marriage circle. Marriage circles are developed by the norms and rules of marriages in a region. The questions explored are the reasons why men bring brides from the other regions Are there spatial preferences, are these marriage circles expanding over a region or shrinking within a region, and what are the changes in intergenerational marriage circles. This study uses a number of quantitative and qualitative techniques: In-depth interview of villagers in the form of semi- structured interview; interview of key respondents; Questionnaire survey; Focused group interview.

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How to Cite

Jatav, K. (2020). Spatial Structure of Marriage Circles Among Hindus in Uttar Pradesh: A Case Study of Mathura District. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 2(2), 59–64. Retrieved from



Case Studies