Theorizing Kautilya's Perception of State

The Saptanga Theory and State Formation


  • Prabira Sethy Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi
  • Pramod Kumar Ray Assistant Professor in Political Science, L. B. College, Angalo, Jajpur, Odisha


Saptanga, Kutal, Vatschhayana, Arthashastra, Dharma, Adikaran, Governance, Dronamukh, Kulvir, Political Testament, Political Macrocosm


The theory of state in Indian context dates back its conceptual origin in Kautilyan thought. Kautilya was the first Indian thinker who had a very practical approach to the concept of state, for its establishment, growth and preservation. His views and prescription on art of statecraft and consolidation and preservation of state are well contained in his famous monumental work 'Arthashastra'. Kautilyan concept and theory of state finds a clear manifestation in his views on Saptanga 'Theory of State'. The present paper, however, discusses about the seven key elements of state viz. Swamin (the Lord or sovereign), Amatya (Minister), Janapada (territory as well as population), Durga (fort), Kosha (treasury), Bala (army), and Mitra (friend). Thus the Saptanga theory of state is based on practical administration and logical conclusion on state management. An attempt has also been made to analyse and examine critically the contemporary relevance and significance of Kaytilya's Saptanga theory and his concept of state bearing an imprint on modern state system. Kautilya's Saptanga theory and his concept of state has got a wide acclamation and proximity in theory of state as advocated by Plato, Aristotle, and the modern western political thinker like Nicholo Machiavelli.

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How to Cite

Sethy, P., & Ray, P. K. (2020). Theorizing Kautilya’s Perception of State: The Saptanga Theory and State Formation. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 2(2), 29–38. Retrieved from