Deadly Virus Covid 19

An outbreak turns into epidemic in Financial Market


  • Rishabh Partap Singh Student, SFC Department, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh


Covid-19, Pandemic, Financial Market, Analysis, Global Economic, Crisis


With persistent human headways and changes the way of life of the human race has changed, advanced and has ended up subordinate to the mechanical variables as well. In this examination we are going to perform an analysis of how the scourge circumstance resulted in a worldwide financial episode in the financial market. The reason for this term paper is to screen the defenselessness and inconsistency with the flare-up of this infection as the hotspot of this scourge isn't as it were having its origins in China but gradually moving to other nations including India. Amid the initial phase of this scourge the China monetary showcase had been influenced but inevitably the declining drop in pandemic within the advertised scattered into other nations leading to global economic crisis.

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How to Cite

Singh, R. P. (2021). Deadly Virus Covid 19: An outbreak turns into epidemic in Financial Market. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 3(1), 91–105. Retrieved from