Religion in the Globalised World

A Critical Study


  • Ankit Tomar Doctoral Research Scholar, Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi


Clash of Civilisations, Dialectic, Globalisation, Homogeneity, Heterogeneity, Legitimising, Religion


The process of globalisation is increasingly gaining the attention of scholars to a number of new frontiers of research that had previously remained outside the scope of the more established and settled academic disciplines, and religion is one such issue that is increasingly gaining the attention of researchers and academicians in the contemporary times. Therefore, the central issue in this paper is to understand why there has been so little written on the religion with regard to global politics and what is the significance of religion in the contemporary globalised world. Besides of it, this paper examines not only the notion of religion and globalisation but the relationship between these two also. The relationship between religion and globalisation has been understood in different ways, giving rise to different conceptions of the two also. The purpose of this paper is to examine religious aspects of global politics rather to assert that everything is religious. Therefore, even while religion is not the primary causal agent in international relations or global politics, it is one of the most significant intervening variables. Apart from that, it is also important to note that religion can provide a better understanding of international relations because religion is now one of the dominant factors driving contemporary global politics, and including religion in our discussions or debates will undoubtedly help us to improve the theory and research in international relations It could be argued that studying and comprehending international relations, including domestic and international political events, will be inadequate, limited, or partial if religion is not taken into account. The omission of such an important factor, which influences global politics in so many different ways and on so many different levels, must be addressed effectively.

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How to Cite

Tomar, A. (2022). Religion in the Globalised World: A Critical Study. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 4(1), 20–29. Retrieved from


