Birsa Munda

Torch-bearer of Tribal Movement and an Unsung warrior of Indian Independence


  • Ishaan Sengupta M.A. Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi


Birsa Munda, Tribal Movement, Indian Independence, Tribal Leader


Birsa Munda, the torch-bearer of Tribal movement on one hand and an unsung warrior of Indian Independence on the other. This article basically deals with the efforts and contributions of Birsa Munda as a tribal leader which thereby leads to the independence of our nation India. We will also be discussing the ways adopted by Birsa Munda like the implementation of Birsait faith among tribal community to generate the feeling of nationalism against the colonial masters. Also, how Munda emerged as an eminent and fearless freedom fighter by adopting guirella warfare techniques to fight against the British Raj. The later part of this articles discusses the prevalent problems faced by tribal communities and how the government of India has initiated certain measures, legislations and constitutional acts to safeguard the rights of Scheduled tribes. In conclusion, there is brief argument by Ranajit Guha and his counter argument by Alpa Shah on Birsa Munda led tribal movement along with a broad step taken by the current government in trying to remove the tag of Unsung from the freedom fighter Birsa Munda.

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How to Cite

Sengupta, I. (2022). Birsa Munda: Torch-bearer of Tribal Movement and an Unsung warrior of Indian Independence. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 4(2), 63–70. Retrieved from