Beyond the Binary

A Feminist View on the Mahābhārata’s Gender Bending Characters


  • Madhu Rani Research Scholar, Department of History University of Delhi, Delhi


Sex, Gender, Power, Transvestite, Mahābhārata, Gender-Bending


In recent decades, there have been notable transformations in the field of gender studies. The focus of research has transitioned from studying traditional binary gender roles to exploring the complexity of fluid gender identities, which include LGBTQIA+ identities. Nonetheless, there's a potential loss of focus on critically analyzing the power dynamics shaping societal gender norms. Gender, like any other social category such as caste and class, constitutes a complex meaning. It is not only about studying the 'position of women' or 'position of other gender identities' in society but also about studying their relation with each other, and how one’s positions shape others' identity. It is often found that while locating LGBTQIA+ gender identities in the ancient past, these complexities are often overlooked. This paper tries to highlight the complexities of gender identities and the power dynamics that give legitimacy to certain forms of gender identity through the study of the characters Arjuna/Bṛhannaḍā and Ambā/Śikhaṇḍin from the Mahābhārata and their evolving gender roles within the grand narrative.


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How to Cite

Rani, M. (2024). Beyond the Binary: A Feminist View on the Mahābhārata’s Gender Bending Characters. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 6(2), 93–101. Retrieved from