Expectation of Young Adults from Martial Lives/Marriage

A Case Study


  • Pallavi Mishra Post Graduate Student, Central University of Punjab, Badal-Bathinda Road, Ghudda, Punjab
  • Sumedha Dutta Assistant Professor, Central University of Punjab, Badal-Bathinda Road, Ghudda, Punjab


Martial Lives, Marriage, Institution of Marriage, Youth in Marriage, Changes in Marriage


The growing changes in the institution of marriage are seen worldwide. With the increasing number of divorces, single mothers and single adults, it becomes a question on the institution and its reliability and stability.  Hence the study examines youth from the Central University of Punjab (India) to know insights into the institution of marriage. The study uses narrative analysis to understand youth’s expectations. It further examines the factors what they expect in the marriage. The study has used narrative analysis method to go through the details of scheduled interviews and along with questionnaire answered by the youth. The sample of the study was collected through purposive sampling across states. With the legality of Indian laws and the value structure of the society, Indian youth also have been seeing the transition in the institution. The shifts in preferences and the changes have been making way for the changes in the way the Indian youth thinks. The conventional youth of India see marriage as an institution that caters to the needs of individuals and maintains society. The expectation along with perception has been shaped by various noteworthy incidents and components that have built the perception. Socialization in the conventional society has constructed their reality which has brought changes in the perception of marriage as an institution in today's youth in India. The study has delved into the narration to bring out the reality of Indian youth and their expectation in marriage. With India's legal and cultural norms, marriage has a stable future with slight changes in the accustomed marriage type.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46700/asssr/2024/v6/i2/2024120602006

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How to Cite

Mishra, P., & Dutta, S. (2024). Expectation of Young Adults from Martial Lives/Marriage: A Case Study. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 6(2), 73–92. Retrieved from https://asssr.in/index.php/home/article/view/15



Case Studies