Analysis of Agricultural Development in Odisha

A Statistical Study


  • Abhiram Dash Assistant Professor (Agril. Statistics), College of Agriculture, Chiplima (OUAT)
  • Sekhar Suman Behera Post Graduate in Agricultural Statistics, Department of Agricultural Statistics, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar


Agricultural Development, Developmental Indicators, Correlation Coefficient


Role of agriculture in economy of the state is important for its contribution to the state income around 15% to our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Agriculture not only provides food to its population but also provides employment opportunities to about 60% of the total workforce of the State. About 70% of our population is directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture. The state has a total geographical area of 155.71 lakh hectares of which total cultivated land is about 61.80 lakh hectares. The net area sown is about 53.31 lakh hectares which is 34% of the state geographical area.

Development being a multi dimensional process, its impact cant not be analyzed fully by any single indicator. More over individual analysis of a number of indicators cannot provide an integrated and easily understandable of picture of reality. Thus there is need for construction of composite index of development based on optimum combination of various indicator. Rice, the most important crop of Odisha and other important crops such as maize, wheat, ragi, greengram, blackgram, cowpea, redgram, pulses and oilseeds, groundnut, mustard, sunflower, sesamum, and castor(non edible), with vegetable and sugarcane are taken into consideration for indicator variables of agricultural development in the state. Gross cropped area, fertilizer consumption and irrigated area also affect the agricultural development of the state. So these factors are also considered as important indicators for the agriculture development of odisha. Since the socio economy, physiographic, topographic and climatic conditions of the district of Odisha differ, the developmental indices are studied district wise. Thus objectives of the study is to find the Composite Indices of agricultural development of all districts of Odisha and ranking of the districts on the basis of Composite Indices of agricultural development.

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How to Cite

Dash, A., & Behera, S. S. (2019). Analysis of Agricultural Development in Odisha: A Statistical Study. Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, 1(1), 25–29. Retrieved from