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Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 105 - 112

Contribution of Raghurajpur Village Artisans for the Growth of Art in Odisha

Sarasi Das

The aim of the paper is to present the art work of artisans of the Rathurajpur village of Puri district. It is focusing on categories and mechanism of artwork of artisans. The village is recognized as craft and heritage village by the government of India and government of Odisha. Art work on Patachitara painting is famous at the national and international level. It attracts tourists, academicians and researchers to visit the village. The village has a unique feature that artisans prepare the raw materials for art work and do marketing for art work in the village. Patachitra paining, ganjapa, stonework, palm leaf work, glass work, wooden work, stone carving work are being done by the artisans. A particular caste, Chitrakara, is traditionally assigned to prepare pattacchitra work for Lord Jagannath during the car festival and other occasions. The village is famous at the national and international level for its magnificent art work and the art works are promoted by a NGO named as 'Parampara'. The livelihood of the villagers is fully depending on artwork. Even women and children support for the development of art work. Thus, the artisans of the village contribute to the growth of art and culture in Odisha.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 113 - 119

Gendering of Food Culture

Ghazala Rasheed

In the following work 'Gendering of Food Culture' gender, food and culture are the main themes, which are interconnected. I have tried to look at the multiple of sources in order to get a better sense of gender, food and cultural history. Generally, gender history is limited to the study of male and female. But it has a broad perspective. Gender is related with culture, custom and even with food also. This paper revolves around the food culture. Food is a new topic, which became a part of historical and anthropological studies. Food history is very interesting, as lot of things connected to it is revealing. Idea of food history came later, which is something new and interesting. Like a gender history, food history is a modern study. Infact there are variety of ancient and medieval sources, which do mentions about food culture and practices. It's a stereotypical concept to symbolise women as food. As Caroline Walker Bynum said that the religious significance of food changed its meaning under medieval women. I have tried to trace the concept of feasting and fasting. Besides, I have also tried to look at the method of food practice in the west and the east.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 120 - 126

Post-COVID 19 Investment opportunity and India: Measures Necessary to Establish India as a World Investment Hub

Avinash Kumar

It is seen that besides single tax structure, reformed FDI approval process, reduced corporate tax, India has not been able to attract huge foreign investment inflows as expected and required. The COVID 19 catastrophe has brought hope, an opportunity before dispirited India to wrest investment from the firms moving out from the Chinese region due to China's role in COVID-19. Still, many have expressed the doubts that it is not certain that companies will shift India.
Investors dissatisfaction against India which started over delay in implementing arbitration award, cancellation of 2G spectrum licences and retrospectively amending the tax law, were the previous challenges which India was facing. In this study, we would examine how to grasp that opportunity. Besides fulfilling other infrastructure requirements such as matching production cost, supply chain, the legal and regulatory requirements would also be checked. This study is required as presently India is a party to only 14 BITs and negotiations on future BITs is pending.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 127 - 130

Satyagraha: An Attitude of Mind

Avkash Jadhav

The Indian freedom struggle is widely discussed and is an area of open interpretations based on new research and new schools of thoughts. The political history of the freedom struggle of India very prominently reflects on the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi and his novel experiments of mobilizing the masses towards the liberation of the country made the entire movement an unconventional in its approach. The following paper looks at the experiment of Gandhiji of Satyagraha and its genesis. The role of Satyagraha in the collective and individual capacity varied and rather the accountability quotient was always higher in the movement. The Gandhian principle of Satyagraha molded the generations of Indians together not only during the pre-independent era, but also post-independence.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 131 - 136

ARIMA Model for Forecasting of Black Gram Productivity in Odisha

Subrat Kumar Mahapatra & Abhiram Dash

A study was conducted on forecasting the productivity of black gram in Odisha. Box-Jenkins Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) time-series methodology was considered for Black gram yield forecasting. Different ARIMA models are selected on the basis of Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial autocorrelation Function (PACF) at various lags .The data from 1971-72 to 2006-07 are used for model building of different ARIMA models and from 2007-08 to 2015-16 is used for successful cross-validation of the selected model, which is based on the Mean absolute percentage error(MAPE). To check the stationarity, ARIMA Models are fitted to the original time series data as well as first difference data. Based on the significant coefficient of autoregressive and moving average components, the possible ARIMA Models are identified. Based on low value of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the best fitted ARIMA models are selected. ARIMA (0,1,1) without constant found to be best fitted model for Black gram productivity having absolute percentage error ranging from 19.99% to 43.29% in cross-validation of the model. The best fitted ARIMA model has been used to forecast the productivity of black gram for the year 2016-17 to 2018-19. The model showed the forecast in productivity for the year 2018-19 to be about 221.45 kg per hectare with lower and upper limit 90.36 and 392.89 kg per hectare respectively.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 137 - 144

Post-Development: New Perspective in Development Discourse

Ankit Tomar

During the past forty years, international political economy has emerged as one of the most prominent and remarkable field of study in the discipline of International Relations which has turned the attention of scholars to a number of new frontiers of research such as financial markets, global governance, international organizations, global firms and production, economic regionalism, the North-South divide and most significantly the issue of development. The issue of development is one of those issues which have increasingly gained the attention of the researchers and academicians due to the emergence of international political economy.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand the issues and debates which are centered around the development discourse of last two or three decades especially because now development has become one of the prevalent factor which driven the contemporary world politics. It could be also argue that without taking development into account, the study and understanding of international political economy including domestic and international political events will be incomplete, limited or partial. Apart from that, this paper aims to offer critical perspectives on the development thinking of present time. This paper starts with the general understanding of development and the problems which emerged from this understanding. The paper also provides a brief summary of different meanings of development and the fundamental critiques of mainstream development from the perspective known as post-structuralism. Furthermore, this paper intends to explore the ways in which post-development critique can offer insights into alternatives to development.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 145 - 151

A Path for Empowering Tribal Girls through Holistic Education: A Case Study of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar

Debendra Kumar Samal

Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) in Odisha has become an important education hub in the eastern part of India. Both the institutes are considered as the leading deemed to be university in Odisha. Now KISS is recognized as the State Private Tribal University by University Grants Commission (UGC). This university imparts education from the class 1st to 10th in the school process, 11th and 12th at the higher secondary school process, Graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. at the University process. Only tribal students are permissible to pursue education from 1st to Ph.D. level. Almost 60% of the total students are girl student from various corner of the district of Odisha state as well as from other parts of the country. The KISS is a residential environment where the tribal students stay and pursue education without paying any amount for the purpose. In addition to the study, the tribal students are given holistic education for increasing their knowledge and skill. These holistic education are reflected in the form of value added training programme, education on monther tounge based multi lingual education, life skill and sexual health, education through english language learning and communication development, training programme on social entrepreneurship, special coaching classes, training on personality development, grooming, special counselling, mentoring, international voluntary programme, education on vocational training and there is a provision for free proffessional education admission in KIIT. Such advanced academic curriculum gives educational empowerment to tribal girls students at KISS.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 152 - 162

Covid-19 and Exodus of Migrants: Inference from Housing Prices in Delhi-NCR

Aman Singh

The nation-wide lockdown to address the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in loss of job and income for a large section of working population in India. The problem became severe for the migrants who work in the urban informal economy. Among the various factors, the severity of their problem could be due to exorbitant housing prices in the cities. Against this back drop the present study intended to explore the housing prices in Delhi-NCR, the home to millions of informal migrants, and to infer about its implications for the latter. The study finds that in recent years, apart from exorbitant rise, the housing prices in Delhi-NCR have been inequitable for various income groups. It might have resulted in high rental cost and unhealthy living for the informal migrants. As result, in the face of loss of employment and income, they might have thought it wise to return to their villages by any means.

Open Access


Research Article


First Published June 30, 2020


Pp. 163 - 170

Perception on Performance of Women Ward Members in Odisha: A Study

Nityananda Barik

Seventy Third Constitutional amendment empowered rural women through 33% reservation of seats in panchayati raj institutions. Accordingly, Odisha State conducted panchayat election in the year 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017. At the gram panchayat level women ward members were found on one third seat reservation basis. Their representation came from different castes, religion, education, age and profession. In the last gram panchayat election, more number of educated women ward members were elected. Generally, the ward members played their role performance in fulfilling the requirements of the people. But how far the people assessed the role performance of women ward members. In order to know their role performance, an attempt was taken to conduct a study and as such researcher asked questions to the people. The study reveals that women ward members were very much aware about the local problems and had taken steps to solve the local problem as well as the women related issues. The people of the panchayat were aware about the working of women ward members. The members kept good relations with the fellow ward members, Sarapanchas, Panchayat Samiti members and Zilla Parishad members. The women ward members focused on the suggestive measure for the development of the wards under gram panchayat.

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